About Us
Our Story
Sri Lankan Sapphires is a specialized gemstone company with a focus on
sourcing, cutting, and exporting exquisite gemstones. Situated in
Sri Lanka, the company leverages its access to precious and
sought-after gemstones, aiming to become a global leader in the
industry. Their dedication to excellence and quality has positioned
them ahead of competitors, elevating gem trading standards.

Our Mission
Ensuring customer satisfaction by offering gemstones of sentimental and monetary value, suitable For generations to come.

Our Vision
Showcase the beauty of Ceylon Gems to the international market, offering vibrant colours, exceptional clarity, and unmatched brilliance.

Gemstones As an Investments
Gemstones offer a concentrated form of wealth
that’s easy to transport and holds both monetary
and sentimental value. These investments can
appreciate over time, particularly high-quality
colored stones which are said to appreciate Ave to
eight percent annually. Unlike volatile markets, gemstones have historically remained stable.
Why Choose Sri Lankan Sapphires
Sri Lankan Sapphires stands out by offering gemstones of Sri Lankan Sapphires
exceptional quality sourced directly from mines,
ensuring attractive prices for clients. Their dedication
to quality assurance is reinforced by rigorous
cortication processes, instilling confidence in the
authenticity and provenance of each gem.

Ethics And Sustainability
The company’s enterprise is deeply integrated
with its community, providing employment,
education support, and assistance during
various life events. The company’s ecological
ethos ensures responsible mining practices,
environmental preservation, and compliance
with industry standards.